Dawn Over Petrel Cove by Vonney Karpinski

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ARTIST NOTES: Watching the sun rising and listening to the sounds of crashing waves hitting the unusual rock formations on the beach at Petrel Cove Victor Harbor

DIMENSIONS (Height - 62.00 cm X Width - 82.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Mixed Media on Paper
GENRE Landscape
REGISTERED NRN # 000-43211-0162-01
COPYRIGHT © Vonney Karpinski
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Artist: Vonney Karpinski


I gained my art degree in 1981 at TAFE with the world renowned artist Mr Jolly Koh. I specialised in landscape oils, charcoal and pastels then folowed up my studies with portraiture. After gaining my Arts degree I taught primary aged students and also adult students in the evenings at TAFE. Then life took me in a different direction, I became a funeral director, developed a specialised lifting device and then ran my own company selling products to the funeral industry until I retired in 2019. I now have the time to concentrate on my art and I mostly use water colours and depending on my mood or the commissions I'm requested to do I also use Acrylics. I enjoy challenges and am constantly searching for inspirational subject matter to paint. I really enjoy painting and find it very relaxing. I offer personalised teaching to all ages in my studio, and I am currently teaching water colours as a volunteer to adult students who attend the U3A Inner North location.